With the close of Epoch 2, the new desired gas limit was set to 30,202,175, slightly up from 30,151,777 in the prior week.
In each epoch voters earned over 18M in rewards, yielding APYs of over 542%.
Most EGL holders voted for 8 weeks in the first epoch, meaning their votes are valid through epoch 7. Thus we saw few new votes. Likely because of this, the distribution of votes remained relatively stable.
EGL Signals continued to vote, with the average vote at 32,247,339.
Looking for more detailed information?
We made this nifty spreadsheet detailing the community’s votes, staking reward, and weeks locked.
The Ethereum Eagle project (EGL) is a community led effort focused on solving the misalignment of incentives and lack of transparency between the community and miners in a way that maximizes value for all Ethereum stakeholders. EGL follows in the footsteps of Flashbots by tackling protocol level attributes without requiring a hard fork.